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Stream the new feature conservation documentary A Priority Place

Conservation documentary A Priority Place

Stream the new feature conservation documentary A Priority Place

The WorkCabin Creative feature-length conservation documentary A Priority Place: Hope For A Forest is now streaming on Kinema.

The 70-minute documentary was filmed and produced for the Long Point Biosphere Region. The project was fully funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada. Executive producers are Gregg McLachlan and Cynthia Brink.


All proceeds support educational programming by the Long Point Biosphere Region.

The compelling documentary was filmed over almost eight months and premiered to a sold out theatre audience in 2022. The film delves into the intricate tapestry of life within this biosphere locale, exploring the multifaceted relationships between the people and their environment. It captures the essence of a community where work, leisure, family life, and vacations intertwine, showcasing the natural beauty, cultural richness, and vibrant spirit of the area. A Priority Place serves as a visual ode to the region, highlighting why it is considered such a special and prioritized place by those who are deeply connected to it, both personally and professionally.

Filming for a sequel to the documentary is now underway and expected to hit theatres in 2025 and streaming services soon after.

Gregg McLachlan
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